Published by admin on 18 Jun 2020


There is a lot of confusion in the world right now; many don’t know the difference between right and wrong, male and female, good and evil, wisdom and folly. So I have to ask, Who is behind all this mess, anyway? You don’t have to look very far to find the author of confusion. We can see the beginning of his work against mankind starting in Genesis 3:1-13.

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Published by admin on 03 Jan 2020


One thing I often find when ministering to people, is that they are not fully settled in what the Word of God says. They think maybe they might be settled, because they’re trying to believe. And so they’re struggling every day because the devil is working overtime to convince them that God did not really mean what He said in His Word. It is written in Psalm 119:89-94

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Published by admin on 01 Feb 2019


We live in a world that is constantly changing. What was “settled” yesterday is subject to change today. Which ever way the wind blows, so goes the opinions of society. What was wrong yesterday is not only right today, it is being promoted. Not only that, what is wrong according to God’s Word is being pushed on us, with people telling us that God is ok with it because He has changed along with our evolving society.

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