Life Healing Ministries, Inc.
1700 Skyview Drive
Holts Summit, Missouri 65043
(573) 690-4367 |
Life Healing Ministries is our FULL-TIME WORK! If this ministry is a blessing to you, we ask you to be a partner with Life Healing Ministries. Help us fulfill the commission to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ over all the world.
If you can’t go, then you can still be a part of the great commission by SENDING US! Please be a co-laborer with us in the greatest harvest of souls in the history of mankind. Time is short and we have a BIG job to do. When the Lord asked me in 1999 what I wanted to ask of Him, I said, “Lord, I want to win 10,000 times 10,000 souls to the Kingdom of God.” That’s 100,000,000 people! My friends, I can’t do it alone. I very much need your help. Please ask the Lord what He would have you do, then do it! Your gifts to this not-for-profit ministry are tax-deductible. You can make offerings to the PayPal link below or just call or write and tell us you want to partner with us. God will bless you!
The Lord told me through a prophetic message in October 2004, “Ask all the people to whom you minister to designate a dollar a month EVERY MONTH to your ministry so you will have a general operating fund from which to do the work I have called you to do.”
Of course I realize some may want to give more. That’s fine. But we don’t want to be a burden on anyone’s budget. Some ask for huge offerings, and people get discouraged and quit giving altogether. However, we can get the job done if everyone does just a little EVERY MONTH! The key to success is consistency!