Published by admin on 13 Mar 2020


There’s a time for everything under heaven. There’s a time to “ask, seek, and knock” as Jesus said. Some say we should KEEP asking, KEEP seeking, KEEP knocking. But for some reason, that does not sit right with me, and here’s why: It is written in Matthew 7:7-8,
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

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Published by admin on 14 Feb 2020


By Jerry Baysinger
The Body of Christ is made up of many members, speaking many languages, living in many different countries, having many individual talents, and having Christ Jesus, Y’shua Messiah, as the Head. The Body has been given an assignment to preach the Gospel of Christ Jesus to all the population of the world. The purpose? To prepare planet Earth to be an extension of heaven itself, to fulfill part of the Lord’s Prayer which says, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth, as it is in heaven.”

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Published by admin on 15 Feb 2019


You know how I love to teach about healing, for it is part of our “benefits” package. But there’s something even more important than healing, and that is your soul. Healing is wonderful, but what good is a healed body if your soul is lost? Can you be healed even if you’re not saved? Sure you can, you see, that’s God’s “dinner bell”, how He says, “Come and get it!” And most unsaved people, once they’ve tasted the goodness of God, come running to Him to be saved. That’s why Psalm 103:2 says,”…and forget not all His benefits”. You can have them ALL…IF you follow Him.

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Published by admin on 16 Nov 2018


Many people tell me they are “waiting on God”. So they won’t do a thing until they get a nudge from God. Therefore, they never do anything for God because that nudge never comes. And that’s because God is waiting on them to get about doing the work of the Kingdom of God. With all the talk about the “rapture”, many Christians have their mind on getting raptured out of here so they don’t have to go through the tribulation. But how does that line up with the Word of God?

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Published by admin on 30 Jun 2017


This morning I woke up and asked the LORD what to write about today, and He said, Philippians 4:13.  There was no delay whatsoever in His reply.  What does it say?  “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Let’s pick that simple verse apart;  He says I CAN.  That word “can” is causative, not permissive, that means I am ABLE to.  I don’t have to seek permission, it is already ordained that I CAN.  DO;  that word signifies “action”, not just intent.  All things; how many is “ALL”?  That signifies the “total amount of” the THINGS; that which I choose to do.  THROUGH CHRIST  now it gets interesting. We have to ask, “What things would Christ have me do, since I am able to do all things?”  Has He empowered us to “do our own thing”?  Or is there a higher calling for our life?  WHICH STRENGTHENETH ME; well, seeing it is clearly CHRIST which strengtheneth me, then that empowerment is clearly to do Kingdom of God work, not my “own thing”. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 16 Sep 2016


Up till one minute ago, I had no clue what to write today, but as always, when I asked the LORD what to write, He answered.  However, He answered with a question; “What time is it?” Now why in the world would the LORD ask someone what time it is? Is His watch broken?  Or is it WE don’t know what time it is? Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 22 Apr 2016


Whether they realize it or not, many people are more concerned with pleasing people than they are pleasing God.  When you look on Facebook, for example, people want you to “like” their comments.  They want to please people and be noticed and approved by others.  Is that a bad thing?  Not necessarily, after all, we don’t want people NOT to like us.  But what about Christians, should we be pleasing to everyone?   From time to time I read some very critical posts on Facebook about Christians, some even blame all the world’s problems on Christians.  It seems to me rather, that the vast majority of people are willing to “go along with the crowd” to be acceptable to them, even if what they do goes against what God approves of. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 04 Dec 2015


Why is it that many Christians are satisfied with the humdrum, when we could be living in the supernatural, not just once in a while, but every day?  God did not redeem us from the lost and unsaved for us to remain the old creature, but He intends us to be a NEW creation in Christ Jesus!  He intends for us to be world-changers and overcomers, not “victims” or “losers”. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 13 Jun 2014


We often hear the phrase “Jesus is coming for His church”  But which church is He coming back for?  The one YOU belong to obviously, right? Well that depends if it is HIS church.  How exactly do we determine which church that will be?  Will He be coming for the people who attend the church with the highest steeple, or the biggest congregation? How about the group with the biggest coffee bar? Perhaps it will be the one with the most “prosperity”, whose members have as many jets as a hound dog has fleas? Continue Reading »