Published by admin on 17 Apr 2015


The words we speak every day set the course for our lives.  While some may disagree with this concept, I think you’ll agree that pretty much everything we do also deals with our spoken words.  For example, if you apply for a job, you will have to speak to the interviewer.  Your answers will come not only from your life experiences, but also your attitude in general.  And your words will in a large part determine if you will or will not get that job. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 10 Apr 2015


When you walk into a dark room and flip the light switch, what do expect to happen? You don’t get all excited and jump up and down when the light comes on after you flip the switch, because you EXPECT the light to come on, because it’s supposed to.  You’re only surprised when the light DOESN’T come on, right?  How about when you put the key in the lock to your home, do you ask someone’s permission to open the door?  No?  Why not?  Because it is YOUR home, you own it, you have the right to be there.  Now think of the Bible in those same terms. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 20 Mar 2015


Have you ever asked the LORD for something and received nothing?   Did you just think what you asked for “was not the LORD’S will”, and that’s why you didn’t get what you asked for? What does the Bible say about asking and receiving?  Today we will explore how to get prayers answered.  God DOES want to answer your prayers, but you knew that, right? Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 09 Jan 2015


Many people make plans in the beginning of a new year, hoping to bring about a desired change in their life.  Maybe it’s to save up some money, or to lose some weight, or to make a purchase, but whatever the reason, it usually doesn’t take long for something to happen to disrupt our plans, right?  Maybe your plan for this year is to draw closer to God.  Whatever your desire, do you think the devil is going to look at it and approve it and leave you alone to accomplish it?  Not a chance.  What do you do about it when things start going amiss?  Do you think of giving up when you have more month left at the end of your money, or when the good times leave and your mother-in-law WON’T leave? Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 29 Aug 2014


If you had a choice, would you rather be blessed or cursed, well or sick, in lack, have plenty?  Did you know God already made HIS choice about the matter?  He gave us all free will to choose how we live.  And before you say, “Well, I live in a poor area, and that’s why I can’t get ahead”, know this: God can bless you no matter where you live, but you have to listen to Him when He tells you what to do.  Or, of course, we can ignore God’s leading and do our own thing and feel sorry for ourselves when things don’t turn out right. And sadly, some people blame God for their circumstances when it isn’t His fault at all.  In fact, He provided us with every opportunity to be blessed, and spells out to us in His Word exactly how to be blessed in every area of our lives.  What are we going to do about it?  Now, THAT is the question.

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