Published by admin on 24 Mar 2017


The Bible tells us to seek wisdom, yet most of the world seeks possessions and money, not realizing that if  you have wisdom first, possessions and money come easily.  God’s Word, if we will USE it, will teach us wisdom.  He is the source of ALL wisdom, and He is not stingy with it, but rather, He wants us to listen to His instructions so we will become wise and be blessed and prosper.  But for the most part, people choose their own path, and in vain struggle their whole lives trying to gain on their own what God is trying to freely lead them to. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 03 Mar 2017


We hear so much about “blessings”.  What exactly are they, and whom do they pertain to, and how do we get them?  After all, we want to be blessed, right?  Well, the Old Testament talks a lot about blessings, and God always tells us in His Word, that His blessings are for those who are diligent to obey His Voice.  Here is just a small sampling of blessings from Deuteronomy 28:1-14: Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 29 Jul 2016


Well, today I’d like to use some verses from Proverbs 29.  I study Proverbs each day, it is fitting to do so, as the LORD gave us 31 Proverbs, one for each day of the month. Today’s Proverb is fitting for general wisdom AND for healing, and you know how I love to teach about healing, as it is my calling.  Let’s get started: Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 01 Jul 2016


The book of Proverbs is a book of wisdom, and there is a proverb for each day of the month.  I like to read a proverb each night before going to bed and fall asleep meditating on it. The world teaches us to seek money and possessions, but the Bible tells us to seek wisdom.  Who is the source of all wisdom?  That has to be God, and He wants to impart wisdom to us. I’ve often said, wisdom enables us to recognize a mistake when we make it again.  And the biggest mistake I see people make is not believing what is written in the Bible. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 10 Jul 2015


Have you ever noticed how one day you can speak of the things of God to someone and they eagerly listen, while on another day they are ready to throw you under a bus?  Well, it isn’t you, it’s the Word of God they are coming against.  And it isn’t “them”, it’s the spirit of Antichrist working in and through them.  Let’s consider what happened to Jesus: Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 03 Jul 2015


When I was reading today’s Proverb, something really caught my attention. Have you noticed there is a Proverb for each day of the month?  Do you think there’s a reason for that?  Sure!  God has a purpose in everything, and in this case, it’s to educate His kids.  You ARE one of His kids, right?  Then let’s get some education today: Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 03 Apr 2015


So many tell me they are waiting on God to do something for them.  For some, it is salvation for a loved one, for another it is lifting a financial burden or a healing, or some other pressing need.  But to each of them, my answer is always the same: You are not waiting for God, God is waiting for YOU.  That statement often rubs people the wrong way, because they may have been suffering for a very long time.  But whether it rubs them the wrong way or not, it is the TRUTH.  You know, telling someone the truth doesn’t always make them happy.  We have our own ways of doing things and it’s hard sometimes to see things any other way than our own way. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 19 Dec 2014


Each and every day we are presented with choices to make.  Some are routine and have little consequence, like choosing which color clothes to wear today.  Others are life changing and have far-reaching consequences.  It is very important to consider the long term effects of our daily choices.  Many feel the LORD will make their choices for them so it doesn’t matter anyway.  But we are not puppets on strings, for the LORD has given us free choice in every matter of life.  However, we have no choice over the consequences of our choices. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 12 Sep 2014


Many people seek money, or status or material possessions, but the Bible tells us there is something more important we should seek, and that is WISDOM.  Even if you have money, without wisdom you won’t keep it long.  There have been people who have won the lottery and have become multi-millionaires overnight, and a couple years later they were bankrupt.  Why?  They had money, but no wisdom how to use it. Let’s see what the Bible has to say about wisdom. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 01 Aug 2014


The Lord Jesus spoke a parable about the kingdom of heaven and ten virgins. How does this parable relate to this particular time we are in? Continue Reading »

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