Published by admin on 18 Jun 2021


Many people I talk to are really worried about how things are going in the world. Lots of changes in our lives have taken place over the past year, changes in government, people trying to take our freedom from us, with fear mongers spreading lies and fear. With Covid making people sick with some dying, our children being forced to stay home from school, people losing jobs, businesses closing, things have looked pretty dismal. And we are just now a year and a half later starting to come out of it, but things are no where near back to “normal”. Many tell us things will never be back as they were before.

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Published by admin on 20 May 2021


Out of nowhere the Holy Spirit dropped that question into my spirit today, so I’m going to ask you the same thing. Picture our lives like being in a boat out in the sea. There are two kinds of people; we can be adrift wherever life takes us, or we can grab the oars and row. All of us have a choice. Look at your present situation honestly, and you’ll know which type you are.

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Published by admin on 13 Sep 2019


One of the most popular questions I get asked is, “How do you hear the voice of God?” And the second one is, “And how do you know it’s really God?” Those are honest questions and they deserve an honest answer, so let’s look into them today.

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Published by admin on 02 Mar 2018


Have you ever been to the circus? One of the attractions there is usually a tightrope walker. He or she would climb high up to a rope or a wire stretched between two poles, and the idea is to safely walk from one end to the other without falling. Nearly everyone wants to make a hit in life, everyone but the tightrope walker, that is. He or she prefers just to get there safely.

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Published by admin on 23 Feb 2018


There’s a battle going on for your soul right now in the spiritual realm, and whether you like it or not, you are going to take a stand. You may think you don’t have any choice in the matter, but the truth is, you do. You can choose to be an overcomer in Christ Jesus, or you can choose to hunker down and hope for the best as the battle rages around you. It isn’t a matter IF you will be attacked by the devil, but WHEN. So you must choose your position. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 13 Jan 2017


Today I’d like to crank you up, and help you to come into a better place in the LORD.  It is written in Proverbs 4:5-7:
Pro 4:5  Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.
Pro 4:6  Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee.
Pro 4:7  Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 16 Oct 2015


Today’s article is about choices, and how they affect us, both short term, and long term.  Why are we involved in spiritual warfare?  It’s because Satan is after our soul.  If we did not have hope of eternal life, he would not be bothering us so much, for the whole world is under his sway.  He doesn’t do battle with those he already has control of; rather, it’s the ones who want to be free that he targets.  As in the political world, a dictator doesn’t bother those he already controls, it’s the ones he DOESN’T have total control of that he sends his forces against to deal with them. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 20 Jun 2014


If you were being attacked, you would feel much safer if you had a fortress around you, right?  In days of old, people built massive fortresses to protect them and their loved ones.  Some were so large they could encompass an entire community within their walls, and woe to anyone who dared to breach those walls to harm them. But a fortress had one serious drawback: you had to stay there in order to enjoy its protection.  You see, it just wasn’t possible to pick it up and carry it with you, so you were pretty much stuck in there.  What we really need is a mobile fortress…. Continue Reading »