Published by admin on 29 Jun 2018


It is written in John 3:16, For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Let me ask you a question; exactly what does that verse mean to you?

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Published by admin on 23 Sep 2016


Every one of us has things in our lives we wish we could go back and change. We can go through our lives living in regret, or we can move on and determine to do things better.  I have met people from both of these categories.  One thing is in common to both groups: one thinks they can’t move on, and the other thinks they can, and do you know what?  They are both right!  The only thing holding us in regret is ourselves.  There is a saying, “experience comes by having done something over and over”.  Wisdom comes when you recognize you’ve made the same mistake over and over, and you quit doing it. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 12 Feb 2016


The other morning as I was waking up, the LORD dropped something into my spirit that we all need to hear. This is what I heard: “When someone sins against another, the offended one thinks of how they can get even.  When someone sins against Me, I’m looking for a way to forgive and reconcile them to Me.” Think about that for a moment, and you will see how vastly God’s nature is higher than man’s.  If everyone thought like that, there would be no war. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 08 Aug 2014


During the past week I’ve been working on our ministry’s motor home, having rebuilt the engine, and now working on the transaxle.  Let me say, you don’t know what dirty is until you’ve worked on a diesel vehicle. I mean, diesel grease is tenacious and if you get near it, it’s on you and doesn’t easily come off.  It gets into your skin and not much will remove it.   And every day working on it reminds me of what our Savior has done for us. Continue Reading »