Published by admin on 23 Sep 2016 at 12:57 pm
Every one of us has things in our lives we wish we could go back and change. We can go through our lives living in regret, or we can move on and determine to do things better. I have met people from both of these categories. One thing is in common to both groups: one thinks they can’t move on, and the other thinks they can, and do you know what? They are both right! The only thing holding us in regret is ourselves. There is a saying, “experience comes by having done something over and over”. Wisdom comes when you recognize you’ve made the same mistake over and over, and you quit doing it.
Nothing is gained by living in regret. You can’t change the past, so if you messed up, learn something from it and move on with your life. If you’ve learned from the experience, then all is not lost, you can make the necessary changes so it doesn’t happen again. That is called moving on. While it’s good to be sorry for past mistakes, some people just seem to spend the rest of their lives beating themselves up for those mistakes. You can’t go back and undo them, but you CAN ask the Lord Jesus to forgive you, and you CAN learn to make better choices.
It would be somewhat like preparing breakfast, and dropping an egg on the floor. Yes, it’s a pity the egg was wasted, but you can clean it up and get another, life is not over. But there are those who are trapped there, and breakfast will definitely be late. Regret can cripple people from becoming all God destined them to be. Here’s the point I wish to make, God forgives you, so you must also forgive yourself. There are many who just can’t get to the point of forgiving themselves. And whether or not you’ve ever thought about it, one who does not forgive themself is actually exalting themselves above God, in that He forgives you, but YOU won’t forgive you. That’s not where God wants you. He is in the RESTORATION business, not the REGRET business.
What would your life be like today if you had no regrets? Think about it: has regret ever made you feel better? Has regret ever paid a bill? Wouldn’t it be great to get up in the morning without wondering what you’re going to regret today? You can, but it’s a choice that only YOU can make. Nobody else can take your regrets and replace them with restoration except God. But for that to happen, you must SURRENDER them. No, God won’t TAKE your regrets, any more than He will take your sins or sicknesses, you must hand them over to Him. He already knows everything about them anyway, you aren’t popping any surprises in God’s face.
The Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:13-14,
Php 3:13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
Php 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Living in regret is like trying to run a race with an anchor tied around your waist, dragging it. Yes, maybe you can still run, but you won’t enjoy it, and it will just wear you out. You can put on your happy face and fool some of the people some of the time, but you will NEVER fool God. He didn’t create you to live in regret. He created you to learn from your misnakesxxxxxmistakes and move on. And He didn’t just create you to move on and squeak by, but that you might live an abundant and joyful life in Christ Jesus.
The Lord Jesus said in John 10:10, The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Tell me, is living in regret “life more abundantly”? No? Then why not step out of that life today and into the abundant life that He wants you to have? Like Jesus said, The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. Undoubtedly you’ve had about all of the misery you want. And if you have, why keep putting things off? Do you really want to keep living in regret? Or, are you finally ready to move on and have a real life? What I’m trying to say is, are you sick and tired of not being able to look back on your past life and seeing something to rejoice about? Then start making those “yesterdays” joyful by changing what you’re doing TODAY! Then when tomorrow comes, you won’t have regrets about yesterday, you will be able to look back and say it was a good day.
God doesn’t have any bad days. As His child, He wants to impart His life into YOU. But it takes a decision to do so on your part, for He will not force Himself into your life. Sufficient is the regret you have suffered. It is ENOUGH! No need for more. It’s time to let God change your life, starting right NOW! Go ahead: ask Him to change your life into something that looks like Him. You’ll be amazed how tender and kind God is, He will take away those regrets and give you peace and restoration. It is a daily process that will never end. God is GOOD, and His mercy endures FOREVER! Why not grab some of that mercy today, right now? Let’s pray:
Father God in heaven, Holy is Your name. LORD, I thank You for all that Christ Jesus did for me on the cross, and I worship You. Thank You for forgiving all my sins, for healing my diseases. LORD, I see that regret is a disease, and I need to be healed. I don’t want to hold onto these regrets any longer. They’re heavy and they hurt me and keep me from living a joyful life in Christ Jesus. I surrender them to You right now and ask You to give me Your peace and joy, and bring restoration into my life, in the name of Christ Jesus of Nazareth, Y’shua Messiah, amen.
GentleWind on 23 Sep 2016 at 3:30 pm #
Thank you Bro. Jerry for listening to the Lord concerning this word. For whatever reason, yesterday, I just fell into a pit of regret and a sense of failure. It took me to the bottom. Thank you so much for the word you spoke here. It brought me out of the pit and I saw what I had been doing to myself for the past 24 hrs was truly a disease of regret. I have surrendered this foul-smelling disease and set it at Jesus feet and have repented. Keep doing what you are doing. It is helping. Bless you and yours in Jesus name.
lydia farrow on 25 Sep 2016 at 11:36 am #
JERRY,I enjoyed this message.It helped me realize that I had a few regrets that I needed to hand over to Father God. Your messages always touch my heart. Please keep writing them.