Published by admin on 25 Jun 2021


Just as I’m getting ready to write about “fear not”, the TV just issued a tornado warning for my area. I’m not impressed. This isn’t my first rodeo. We have been in tornados before and rebuked them in the name of Christ Jesus, and watched them dissipate on the spot. And a passage of scripture comes to mind about the forces of heaven being more than the forces of the devil, in 2 Kings 6:8-17,

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Published by admin on 18 Jun 2021


Many people I talk to are really worried about how things are going in the world. Lots of changes in our lives have taken place over the past year, changes in government, people trying to take our freedom from us, with fear mongers spreading lies and fear. With Covid making people sick with some dying, our children being forced to stay home from school, people losing jobs, businesses closing, things have looked pretty dismal. And we are just now a year and a half later starting to come out of it, but things are no where near back to “normal”. Many tell us things will never be back as they were before.

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Published by admin on 05 Jun 2020


By Jerry Baysinger
Last week I wrote about “judgment is coming”. We have a tendency to want to execute that judgment ourselves against those who do us wrong. Now with all the rioting and looting that is going on in our country this last week due to the criminal element looking for any excuse to do their thing, we who love the LORD are caught in the middle. When criminals loot and burn in your city, should you just “turn the other cheek” and let them destroy all you’ve worked for, or should you defend your possessions? Our flesh says destroy those who are trying to destroy you. We have every legal right to defend ourselves. We have laws in place to deal with looters, but first you must catch them.

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Published by admin on 27 Mar 2020


This is an unprecedented time in our history, where the pestilence called COVID-19 is spreading throughout the world, thanks to being released from a laboratory in China. Some have died from it, and the whole world seems to be in panic about it. Because of panic, stores have been emptied by people hoarding supplies, instead of just buying what they need. There are cities issuing orders not to travel, and to remain at home. And though the virus is bad, it nowhere approaches the level of infection and death of prior viruses that have gone around, and yet the panic is much worse this time. Why? Mostly because of people’s mouths.

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Published by admin on 07 Oct 2016


You’ve often heard the saying, “Bad things happen to good people”. Well, bad things happen to everyone.  The Lord Jesus said in John 10:10, The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. You see, friends, the devil is an equal-opportunity destroyer; and he doesn’t discriminate, his favorite thing is to destroy EVERYONE and EVERYTHING.  So, that means if you’re here on the earth, guess what?  He is out to destroy you.  Whether or not he gets away with it is up to YOU! “Really?  I thought that was God’s decision!” No.  God has put in place a protection plan for His kids, but again, they must USE it, and God won’t make them.  Let’s explore this today. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 17 Jul 2015


There are two types of fear I’d like to talk about today.  There is “the fear of the LORD”, and there is every other kind of fear which has nothing to do with the LORD.  The Bible says “the fear of the LORD” leads to wisdom. That means any other type of fear is not productive for us. Here are just a few scriptures from Proverbs about “the fear of the LORD”. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 20 Jun 2014


If you were being attacked, you would feel much safer if you had a fortress around you, right?  In days of old, people built massive fortresses to protect them and their loved ones.  Some were so large they could encompass an entire community within their walls, and woe to anyone who dared to breach those walls to harm them. But a fortress had one serious drawback: you had to stay there in order to enjoy its protection.  You see, it just wasn’t possible to pick it up and carry it with you, so you were pretty much stuck in there.  What we really need is a mobile fortress…. Continue Reading »