Published by admin on 07 Dec 2018


This is the season when people ask one another, What do you want for Christmas? But what about the REST of the year? What do you want? I can think of several things I’d like to have; peace on earth, kindness from each of us, nobody hungry or homeless, to name a few. But let’s be realistic: as a default condition, mankind’s heart is evil, and that’s why the world is in the mess it’s in. Can we do anything about it? Yes, and no. On our own, very little, but with Christ Jesus, we can be thoroughly changed from the inside out. EVERY SINGLE DAY!

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Published by admin on 22 Nov 2018


As you know, I normally publish my newsletter on Friday, but being this is Thanksgiving, it seemed appropriate to do it today, seeing the title is “BE THANKFUL”. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 12 Oct 2018


Most of us probably remember the saying the “Three Musketeers” had, which was “ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL”. It’s a slogan that would serve Christians very well, being Christ Jesus led by example and gave His life as a sacrifice for all mankind. He would have gone through all that horrible agony and torture and died for YOU even if you were the only person on this whole earth. I think maybe people take His sacrifice way too lightly, because it happened so long ago, and plus the fact that none of us alive today were there to witness it firsthand, so they have not a clue what torture He endured for us.

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Published by admin on 25 Jan 2018


In the days of the Old Testament, the Spirit of God came upon certain ones at times, and they would prophesy. Kings and Prophets were the usual recipients, but not always. Once it was even a donkey that spoke like a man. Anyway, consider what King David did when the Holy Spirit came upon him. The Holy Spirit had not yet been given unto believers to inhabit them. King David wrote the Psalms and did many mighty exploits for God. And even though he was not perfect and without sin, God said he had a heart after his own. Now he accomplished all that with only the VISITATION of the Holy Spirit at different times. Think of what WE could do for God now in this day and age with the INFILLING of the Holy Spirit! Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 02 Nov 2017


Today I’d like to draw attention to something Jesus spoke in Luke 18:1-8, which seems to many to be contradictory in its nature:
1  And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
2  Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man:
And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.
And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man;
Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.
And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.
And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?
I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 10 Aug 2017


With our words we can make friends, or make enemies, cause people to listen, or cause them to turn away.  For example, You can walk up to someone standing by their motorcycle and say, That is sure a nice bike, tell me about it, and most likely they will thank you and tell you all about it.  OR, if they’re not too big and you’re brave enough, you can tell them that it’s an ugly piece of junk, but not quite as ugly as they are.  That of course will not likely end well. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 16 Jun 2017


How is your relationship with the Lord Jesus today? Does it sizzle, or fizzle?  Usually I work my way up to the subject, but today I want you to realize we don’t have time to waste.  We know Jesus is coming back, but when?  It could be today, it could be in several hundred years, but each of us have our own “expiration date”, and it could be right now, we just don’t know.  Do you have a guarantee of tomorrow?  I don’t, and neither do you.  So we should be taking care of the most important matters in our lives FIRST, and our soul is our most important possession. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 05 May 2017


Ever have one of those days that just doesn’t go the way you planned?  Today I was on my way to Oklahoma to a ministry conference, and my vehicle started vibrating badly like the driveshaft was out of balance.  It seemed like at any moment it might come out of there and pass me.  So my trip was interrupted to spend the night at a hotel out of town.  Hopefully it will be a simple and inexpensive repair, and I’ll be back on my way tomorrow.  Funny thing, most of the day a song has been going through my mind, “And in all things give Him thanks…..” Yeah, I guess that means even when your vehicle breaks.  Don’t get me wrong: I’m not thankful FOR the trouble, but I’m thankful IN the trouble.  Maybe it’s just a test.  Maybe it’s the devil trying to aggravate me, but I’m going to aggravate him back by praising God.  And if it isn’t the devil behind it, that’s ok, I’m going to praise God anyway, because it’s the right thing to do. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 17 Feb 2017


There are many “unattached” pieces in the Body of Christ, and that should not be the case.  Many have not a clue what their purpose and calling is, nor how to go about fulfilling what God has called them to do.  For that reason God had to set up a system to bring unity into His body.  It is written in Ephesians 4:11-16, Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 15 Apr 2016


Why do we pray?  What do we hope to accomplish by doing so?  Well, it would seem to me that we are trying to change a circumstance that we otherwise have no control over.  There are things we can do in the physical realm to change some circumstances, but there are others that are totally out of our control that only God can change, so we pray.  It may concern sickness or disease, or family troubles, or legal troubles, or finances; you name it, somebody is not happy about it and wants it changed. But wanting something to be different, and actually seeing it done is two different things, as we all know. Continue Reading »

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