Published by admin on 10 Sep 2021


It is written in Proverbs 10:12,  Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.

There certainly doesn’t seem to be a shortage of hatred these days, and everyone is quick to blame someone else when things go wrong.  BUT LOVE COVERETH ALL SINS.  That’s my sins, as well as anyone else who asks for their sins to be covered. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 10 Apr 2020


What would it be like if everyone covered everyone else’s sins with love? Instead of finding and revealing everyone’s faults, we would instead ask ourselves, “Would we want others broadcasting OUR faults?” Well of course we wouldn’t, but that doesn’t stop it from happening, does it? What we all need in this “downtime” that much of the world is going through right now is more love and understanding. No matter who you are, you need your sins forgiven. There is NO ONE who can say they have no sin, we are ALL sinners, and as such, we are in need of mercy!

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