Published by admin on 03 Dec 2021


I’ve been to very few churches who teach from the whole Bible, cover to cover.  Most all of them pick and choose what to major in, and most times they end up “majoring in the minors”.  One denomination is big on salvation. Another on gifts of the Spirit. Another on speaking in tongues, while another majors on prophecy.  There are as many denominations as there are pages in the Bible it seems.  And yet the ENTIRE Bible is telling us of the very nature of God and instructs us in how to follow Him. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 30 Apr 2020


Many people struggle to believe what is written in the Holy Bible. They ask, How can these things be? There have been many times I myself have asked that very question, but I put that question to bed a long time ago. It’s not necessary for us to know “HOW”, or even “WHY” to every question we have, but only that we can trust God, who DOES know HOW and WHY. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 07 Feb 2020


Sometimes it’s hard to make a decision, especially if it’s an important one. One thing I hear often about that is “IF I HAD A CHOICE…”. Well, why would you think you DON’T have a choice in any decision you make?

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Published by admin on 09 Aug 2019


If you are born again, no doubt at one time or another you have heard the Holy Spirit admonish you. This week while looking at Facebook, I was about to make a comment, and the Holy Spirit convicted me not to do that. And while my comment would have been correct, given the way things are going these days, the LORD obviously didn’t want me to make that comment, so I didn’t.

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Published by admin on 26 Jul 2019


The Lord Jesus taught multitudes by parables, but with those parables, He revealed things that had been hidden from the people, mysteries if you will. And those who had “ears to hear”, the very secrets of creation were revealed. One particular parable Jesus taught was about “sowing”, and I’d like to use it today.

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Published by admin on 19 Oct 2017


Think on this today:  Ignorance is no excuse for letting the devil walk all over your life. Far too many people have the attitude, “Que Sera, Sera”, “What will be, will be”.  Well, that’s just a lie from the devil. He wants you to think you have no control over what happens to you.  He wants to bring waste, ruin, and destruction into your life, and in the end he wants you to die in your sins. He prefers to stay hidden so when he attacks you, that you will blame God instead, or just sit around feeling sorry for yourself. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 01 Sep 2017


Ever since man was created, God has been making His wisdom available to them.  In the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam dominion over all the earth, with only ONE “Thou shalt not”, concerning the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  God was setting Adam up for a wonderful life, and warning him to leave that tree alone.  Then God created Eve and brought her to Adam, and she was also given the warning to leave that tree alone.  So what happened?  We all know the story, they disobeyed God and ate of the tree they were told to leave alone. They threw wisdom out the window.  It is written in Proverbs 1:2-7, Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 07 Jul 2017


A band called the Beatles had a hit record back in around 1963 called, “Do you want to know a secret?”  Everyone wants to know a secret, right? And the Bible is chock full of them, called “mysteries”.  But the Lord Jesus gave away some that had been kept hidden from the foundation of the world. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 24 Mar 2017


The Bible tells us to seek wisdom, yet most of the world seeks possessions and money, not realizing that if  you have wisdom first, possessions and money come easily.  God’s Word, if we will USE it, will teach us wisdom.  He is the source of ALL wisdom, and He is not stingy with it, but rather, He wants us to listen to His instructions so we will become wise and be blessed and prosper.  But for the most part, people choose their own path, and in vain struggle their whole lives trying to gain on their own what God is trying to freely lead them to. Continue Reading »