Published by admin on 27 Aug 2020


We are told by the Lord Jesus not to have worry or anxiety about things. Yeah, I know, it’s easy to say, but hard to do, right? Well, it doesn’t HAVE to be. I think of it like this; if God be for me, who can be against me? And if God be FOR me, WHO CARES who’s against me? So why worry, when God has me covered? And that would be a good attitude for YOU to have, as well. It is written in Matthew 6:24-34,

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Published by admin on 11 Jun 2020


It is written is Psalm 37:4, “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” When you read that verse a few times, it becomes apparent that when you delight yourself in something, it becomes your heart’s desire. Therefore, when you delight yourself in the LORD, He becomes the desire of your heart, and He shall give you Himself.

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Published by admin on 10 Oct 2019


It sure seems to me that people put themselves through a lot of hard stuff, trying to win the goodwill of God, when all the time, God is trying to get us straight to the blessings. It is written in Isaiah 55:1-3,

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Published by admin on 04 Oct 2019


Sometimes the LORD gives me a doozy of a name for an article, and today is one of them. When I woke up this morning I asked the LORD what I would be writing about, and He told me, “My friend the oyster”. Say WHAT? I don’t know any oysters. But here we go…..

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Published by admin on 14 Jun 2019


Most everywhere you look, you see someone protesting against something. Now, protesting can be good, if it’s protesting against evil. But most protesting we see today is simply people wanting their own way. They don’t care what someone else wants, it’s their way or the highway. And that mindset has been around ever since the Garden of Eden. And to God, it stinks, or “stinketh”, as King James would say.

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Published by admin on 16 May 2019


I’d like to show you how prayer, praise, and blessings are all connected. We all like blessings, right? Let’s take time to explore the very nature of God. Most of us have heard the fire and brimstone sermons about the judgment of God, right? Unfortunately, I heard about that side of God many years before I heard about His loving nature. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that nobody wants to pray to an angry God who they think is out to make everyone a crispy critter. Needless to say, that wouldn’t make anyone want to praise Him, either, unless it was simply out of fear of being sent to hell. And yet, that is the god I was first introduced to.

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Published by admin on 04 Apr 2019


Without a doubt, all of us face trials at one time or another, and it makes no difference if you are a Christian or not. The devil is an “equal opportunity destroyer” who would just as soon destroy you as much as me, it makes him no difference. But it DOES make a difference to him when he runs into someone who has faith and isn’t afraid to use it.

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Published by admin on 29 Mar 2019


Having been in the ministry for over 25 years now, I’ve learned a thing or two along the way. And one is, offense stops the blessings of God. I’ve been to churches where they do their victory dances over the devil, make their declarations, taking the nations for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But something is missing. Their lives are really no different than people who don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And there’s something terribly wrong with that situation.

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Published by admin on 15 Mar 2019


When looking at the state of the “CHURCH” at large, I see a dissimilarity between Christ Jesus and the Church. I see a “Church” comprised of “believers” who are more prone to desire God to serve them, than they are to serve God. For proof of that, I ask you to listen to the prayers you hear others make, and your own prayers as well. Are those prayers filled with, “LORD, I need…., please give me…., LORD, please do this for me….”? If so, then those are not “I’m serving God” prayers, but rather “God, serve ME” prayers.

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Published by admin on 15 Feb 2019


You know how I love to teach about healing, for it is part of our “benefits” package. But there’s something even more important than healing, and that is your soul. Healing is wonderful, but what good is a healed body if your soul is lost? Can you be healed even if you’re not saved? Sure you can, you see, that’s God’s “dinner bell”, how He says, “Come and get it!” And most unsaved people, once they’ve tasted the goodness of God, come running to Him to be saved. That’s why Psalm 103:2 says,”…and forget not all His benefits”. You can have them ALL…IF you follow Him.

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