Published by admin on 04 Jun 2021


Let’s start right off with the Word of God today, in Proverbs 30:5-6, it is written,
5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
Let’s face it, the Word of God as it is written is by and large not preached in most churches today. Either it is being “interpreted” to say what it doesn’t say, or else much that it DOES say is being skipped over and ignored. Whichever the scenario is, the hearers lose out.

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Published by admin on 10 Sep 2020


As you know, I like to use “It is written”, just like Jesus did. In Psalm 119:14:24 it says,

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Published by admin on 14 Oct 2016


We are living in an age where many people no longer care to have God in their thoughts, because mankind has become so “advanced” in science and technology and medicine, many feel they no longer have need of God.  It is a very sad thing to have that mindset, in that all of God’s love and blessings are available to all, but many choose to turn Him away. But it’s nothing new, the Apostle Paul wrote about it in his own day. Continue Reading »