Published by admin on 10 Sep 2021


It is written in Proverbs 10:12,  Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.

There certainly doesn’t seem to be a shortage of hatred these days, and everyone is quick to blame someone else when things go wrong.  BUT LOVE COVERETH ALL SINS.  That’s my sins, as well as anyone else who asks for their sins to be covered. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 17 Jun 2016


History has a nasty way of repeating itself.  Every great nation that has risen, has also fallen sooner or later, and there is a reason for that: they forgot from whence they came, and took on other customs, peoples, and religions.  And it can be no different for America.  It seems we have forgotten what we were made of and where we came from, and little by little, America has changed so dramatically under the current leadership that it is no longer bears much resemblance to what it was just a few short years ago.  And this isn’t just about America, it is about other places, too. Continue Reading »