Published by admin on 17 Sep 2021



A word kept repeating in my spirit last night and today; LOVINGKINDNESS. That’s certainly what is needed in each of our lives, more and more as the days continue to grow more evil day by day.  In today’s dog-eat-dog world, there isn’t a lot of lovingkindness.  That’s not to say it doesn’t exist, but it’s in pretty short supply, and I’m talking about even in GOD’S PEOPLE! Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 29 Jul 2016


Well, today I’d like to use some verses from Proverbs 29.  I study Proverbs each day, it is fitting to do so, as the LORD gave us 31 Proverbs, one for each day of the month. Today’s Proverb is fitting for general wisdom AND for healing, and you know how I love to teach about healing, as it is my calling.  Let’s get started: Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 12 Sep 2014


Many people seek money, or status or material possessions, but the Bible tells us there is something more important we should seek, and that is WISDOM.  Even if you have money, without wisdom you won’t keep it long.  There have been people who have won the lottery and have become multi-millionaires overnight, and a couple years later they were bankrupt.  Why?  They had money, but no wisdom how to use it. Let’s see what the Bible has to say about wisdom. Continue Reading »