Archive for January, 2020

Published by admin on 31 Jan 2020


We are living in an age of grace since the day Christ Jesus gave Himself as the sacrifice for the sins of mankind. People look at “grace” as a “free pass to sin”, and it is NOT. There’s not any of us who can claim to live a perfect sin-free life. If our actions don’t get us, our thoughts surely will. Are thoughts sin? They are if they are not in alignment with God’s will.

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Published by admin on 24 Jan 2020


From time to time people ask me “How long do I have to keep speaking God’s Word?” To me, that’s like asking, “How long do I have to keep being blessed?” My answer? “As long as you want the Word to work for you.” As you know, people are largely resistant to change, so that means, if you don’t study your Bible every day, you aren’t very motivated to start doing so. We tend to want to keep doing the same things everyday, but expect a different result.

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Published by admin on 17 Jan 2020


It seems people who read the Bible are among the slowest to believe all that is written therein. That’s why there is so much division in the Body of Christ. If we would all simply BELIEVE what is written, and act upon it, most of this world would already be won to the LORD, but no, we pick and choose what we want to believe. One believes in salvation, but not healing, another believes in healing, but not speaking in tongues, another believes they don’t know WHAT to believe. And it’s a mess, and it’s been going on quite a while. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 09 Jan 2020


There are those out there feeling hopeless and abandoned, who are children of the Most High, who have been repeatedly asking God to deliver them from whatever trials they are experiencing. I feel the Holy Spirit is asking the following question: WHEN WILL YOU BELIEVE I HAVE ALREADY RESCUED, DELIVERED, AND SAVED YOU FROM THE EVIL ONE?

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Published by admin on 03 Jan 2020


One thing I often find when ministering to people, is that they are not fully settled in what the Word of God says. They think maybe they might be settled, because they’re trying to believe. And so they’re struggling every day because the devil is working overtime to convince them that God did not really mean what He said in His Word. It is written in Psalm 119:89-94

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