Archive for July, 2018

Published by admin on 27 Jul 2018


It is written in Joshua 1:8, This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

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Published by admin on 20 Jul 2018


When you go shopping to buy something, it’s only normal to look at the price tag to see what it costs, that is, unless you are rich and don’t care what it costs, but few of us are rich. We try to get the best value for the price. Now if you don’t happen to be satisfied with what you bought, sometimes you can get a refund. But there’s something we all spend, and that is time. And if you don’t like what you got for your time spent, sorry, there is no refund, ever. You can never replace that time, it’s GONE! Well, what does that have to do with you? Everything!

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Published by admin on 12 Jul 2018


To be, or NOT to be……” I remember that quote from high school, made famous by William Shakespeare in Hamlet. And every single day, with our words, WE decide if something is to be, or not. Do you want to be saved? SAY So. Do you want to be healed? SAY so! Do you want to stay broke the rest of your life? Keep saying, “I’m no broke, I can’t even pay attention.” Our words truly DO make or break us. And you’re saying, “I doubt that.”?

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Published by admin on 06 Jul 2018


Many have asked me, “Why are only some healed?”, and that’s a fair question that is worthy of an answer. There are some healing ministries out there that claim 100% results, but I’m not one of them. In fact, if I find one that can consistently show me 100% healings, then I’m going to follow them myself and learn what I can. But from what others tell me that came to me after not being healed at others, it shows me that none of us are getting 100% results. There MUST be a reason for that, because Jesus had no failures, nor did He teach His disciples to fail. Continue Reading »