Archive for February, 2022

Published by admin on 25 Feb 2022


            Years ago I bought a nice Lincoln, and drove it for about a year, and I took real good care of it, often waxing it each week.  My wife and I were at her mother’s house in Joplin, Mo, when a fellow minister came to see me.  We had never met before.  I was in Mom’s driveway detailing the Lincoln when this ratty, smoking car drove up.  I remember it had a vinyl roof that had partly detached and was flapping in the wind.  The driver stopped and turned the car off, and it smoked, chugged, backfired a couple times and finally died.  It was almost funny.  Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 18 Feb 2022



Having been in the healing ministry for nearly 29 years now, I’ve heard every imaginable excuse why people can’t be healed.  Sometimes I think people really DON’T want to be healed, but just say they do.  Maybe they like the sympathy and attention they get.  But not me, I like being healed and healthy.  That’s not to say I haven’t had attacks down through the years, but like it is written in Luke 6:17-19, HE HEALED THEM ALL.  EVERY ONE OF THEM. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 11 Feb 2022



There’s an old saying; if you have two dogs, and you only feed one of them, which one will be stronger?  The answer is, the one you feed.  Well, you as a person are a three-part being: spirit, soul, and body.  You ARE a spirit, and that spirit lives in a physical body, and your soul is your mind, will, and emotions.  Depending which one of those parts, spirit or body gets fed best, will determine what goes on with your soul.
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Published by admin on 04 Feb 2022



For years I’ve wondered why some people grab hold of the Gospel and grow like a week, while others seem to grow for a while, then level off, and never go forward from there.  And while studying in Luke a couple nights ago, the LORD showed me the answer.  Turn with me to Luke chapter 5, verses 36-39. I believe He showed me why. Continue Reading »