Published by admin on 22 Feb 2013 at 07:14 pm
Healing testimony
Dear Pastor Jerry,
Here is our progress report for my husband, Dan…
On March 1, 2010 my husband was diagnosed with a UT3 cancerous tumor in his rectum. The recommendation was surgery to remove the rectum, followed by radiation and chemo. We had already seen so many healings that we were both convinced that there was a better way. To make this short, he had alternative treatments along with prayer. Eventually he had surgery to only remove the tumor and not the entire organ. Surgery went fine, however he developed staff infection that ended in the doctors going back in to deal with the staff. Subsequently, a few months later the tumor came back and spread to the liver in 5 places.
After nearly 3 years the disease continued to advance and in November of 2012 my husband was only given a few days to a couple weeks to live, given enough morphine to kill an elephant , and sent home to die. We continued to go to the Christian healing rooms where learned to renew our minds daily with healing scripture declarations. After 12 weeks there was little to no visible progress. We were missing something.
On February 14, 2013 I contacted Pastor Jerry to see if he would come and help us, and he agreed. Arriving at midnight 2 days later after driving through a snow storm here in Michigan he immediately began ministering to me until 2am. My husband was on heavy pain medication and slept through Sunday. That night he began to bleed out until 5am the next morning. He told Jerry and I that he almost died, and had to make a choice to live. Pastor worked with my husband on and off that day and prayed with him. The next day Jerry left for home … And again drove through another Winter storm here in Michigan!
Sometime on Monday as I was washing my husband, I watched as a tumor the size of a golf ball deflated in a matter of seconds after I spoke to it. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, so I pressed on it and asked if it hurt him. He said “no”! The tumor was gone! Jesus had “taken away” the tumor. Since then his bowel has begun to function normally.
Dan’s body is still in process in terms of healing. He has been on morphine for 3 months and had his last dose Sunday night. That was 5 days ago and there haven’t been any withdrawal symptoms nor any pain. Having suffered with sciatica for 40 years, that too is healed. His abdomen that has been so swollen from the lesions on his liver has begun to deflate as well. We continue to speak to his liver and blood to be healed.
We continue to declare the Word of God continuously throughout the day to keep our minds renewed so we don’t become sidetracked by the symptoms. We recognize them as “lying symptoms” because healing was provided 2,000 years ago with Jesus’ own body and blood.
Pastor Jerry’s obedience to the call, to help us, brought the breakthrough we had been seeking. I thank God for his willingness to lay down his life in order to join faith with us and release the authority and power of God to rid Dan of this disease and it’s symptoms. I know there is more to come!
I’ve written this testimony to encourage others who are battling disease and pain.. To let you know that God is faithful to perform His Word… ONLY HIS WORD…. And that for those who are the caregivers, I understand your journey all too well. It can be demanding and exhausting. God can sustain you too if you speak His Word over your life. Ask for help, take time out to rest and realize that you are there to encourage… Not bear the responsibility for their choices or their life.
God will meet you where you are and bring you through…if you Let Him.
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Lara R. on 03 Mar 2013 at 1:21 pm #
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony! My husband is in the hospital right now being treated for aggressive lymphoma and kidney cancer. This has brought tears to my eyes and has given me hope! God bless you!
Denzel on 09 Aug 2015 at 6:47 am #
Through ur testimony and teachings , it empowered me to get healed from a degenerative bone disease