This morning I woke up and asked the LORD what to write about today, and He said, Philippians 4:13.  There was no delay whatsoever in His reply.  What does it say?  “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Let’s pick that simple verse apart;  He says I CAN.  That word “can” is causative, not permissive, that means I am ABLE to.  I don’t have to seek permission, it is already ordained that I CAN.  DO;  that word signifies “action”, not just intent.  All things; how many is “ALL”?  That signifies the “total amount of” the THINGS; that which I choose to do.  THROUGH CHRIST  now it gets interesting. We have to ask, “What things would Christ have me do, since I am able to do all things?”  Has He empowered us to “do our own thing”?  Or is there a higher calling for our life?  WHICH STRENGTHENETH ME; well, seeing it is clearly CHRIST which strengtheneth me, then that empowerment is clearly to do Kingdom of God work, not my “own thing”. Continue Reading »