Published by admin on 04 Mar 2016
The Bible tells us Christ Jesus HAS already healed us by His stripes, HAS done everything that He is ever going to do about healing and salvation, and that there is nothing lacking in His completed work whatsoever. That leaves the rest of it up to us to RECEIVE for ourselves what He has done. I’m sure you’ve heard all that before and it isn’t giving you much comfort at this point. God is apparently NOT moved by our need, but rather by our taking His word for it that it is DONE. I don’t see everyone I’ve prayed for being healed, though it is many, yet it bothers me when someone does not receive the manifestation of their healing. There are some ministries who say 100% of those they pray for are healed, yet some of the people who have gone to them end up coming to me. And some of them still do not receive healing. Is it a problem on God’s end? I think not, but some people are so hurt and broken, they have a great deal of problem believing even God himself. Continue Reading »