Published by admin on 25 Feb 2022


            Years ago I bought a nice Lincoln, and drove it for about a year, and I took real good care of it, often waxing it each week.  My wife and I were at her mother’s house in Joplin, Mo, when a fellow minister came to see me.  We had never met before.  I was in Mom’s driveway detailing the Lincoln when this ratty, smoking car drove up.  I remember it had a vinyl roof that had partly detached and was flapping in the wind.  The driver stopped and turned the car off, and it smoked, chugged, backfired a couple times and finally died.  It was almost funny.  Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 26 Nov 2021



Sometimes we complain about what we don’t have.  I’ve done it, too, but that doesn’t make it right.  So I decided to try to be more thankful, not only for what I have to be thankful for, but what I DON’T have, to be thankful for.  I had terminal cancer back in 1993, and you can bet I’m thankful I don’t have THAT anymore.  So, I’m thankful for….. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 30 Sep 2016


It is impossible to build a durable house without first laying a solid foundation.  Yes, you can build a house on the sand without a foundation, like the Lord Jesus said, but when the rains come, and the floods come, the house will be destroyed.  But, he who builds his house on the rock, when the floods come, and they will whether you think so or not, the house will stand.  You see, it isn’t a question of whether you will face hard times in your life, but WHEN.  The foundation you have laid will determine if you will stand or suffer great loss, and that’s the subject today. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 27 May 2016


There is a magazine which has a cartoon character on the cover, whose motto is, “WHAT-ME WORRY?” Maybe you remember it.  I remember reading that when I was a little boy, but somehow, growing up changed all that.  My Mom was a world-champion worrier, and though I said I’d never end up like that, guess what?  I did.  Guess it runs in the family.  In fact, it runs in a LOT of families.  Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to go back to those worry-free days of childhood again?  Well, we can’t go back to childhood, but we CAN be worry-free.  Yes, you read that right, WORRY-FREE! Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 17 Jul 2015


There are two types of fear I’d like to talk about today.  There is “the fear of the LORD”, and there is every other kind of fear which has nothing to do with the LORD.  The Bible says “the fear of the LORD” leads to wisdom. That means any other type of fear is not productive for us. Here are just a few scriptures from Proverbs about “the fear of the LORD”. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 14 Nov 2014


We have all heard “The LORD said…”.  And to some ministers the favorite catch-phrase is “The LORD said, the LORD said.”, as they prophesy to people.  But we must be very careful what we tell people in the name of the LORD, for the Word of the LORD is perfect.  Psa 18:30 says;  As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him. That means it is NEVER wrong, and what He says will surely come to pass. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 29 Aug 2014


If you had a choice, would you rather be blessed or cursed, well or sick, in lack, have plenty?  Did you know God already made HIS choice about the matter?  He gave us all free will to choose how we live.  And before you say, “Well, I live in a poor area, and that’s why I can’t get ahead”, know this: God can bless you no matter where you live, but you have to listen to Him when He tells you what to do.  Or, of course, we can ignore God’s leading and do our own thing and feel sorry for ourselves when things don’t turn out right. And sadly, some people blame God for their circumstances when it isn’t His fault at all.  In fact, He provided us with every opportunity to be blessed, and spells out to us in His Word exactly how to be blessed in every area of our lives.  What are we going to do about it?  Now, THAT is the question.

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