Published by admin on 25 Feb 2022


            Years ago I bought a nice Lincoln, and drove it for about a year, and I took real good care of it, often waxing it each week.  My wife and I were at her mother’s house in Joplin, Mo, when a fellow minister came to see me.  We had never met before.  I was in Mom’s driveway detailing the Lincoln when this ratty, smoking car drove up.  I remember it had a vinyl roof that had partly detached and was flapping in the wind.  The driver stopped and turned the car off, and it smoked, chugged, backfired a couple times and finally died.  It was almost funny.  Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 25 Nov 2016


When asking the LORD just now what I’m supposed to write, He said to me, “Just in time.”  Well, this is a particularly hard letter for me to write today, because we just returned home from a trip where we returned from ministering to a family in North Carolina whose son was in the hospital in ICU.  The family had been believing God for six years to heal their son, and there were prayer intercessors all over the country praying for this young man for months around the clock.  I made two trips out there and laid hands on him for healing, the first trip three weeks ago saw him rally and improve. But later he developed sepsis in his blood, organ failure and he died a couple days ago in spite of all our prayers.  And God has often healed people for me at the last possible moment.  But not this time, and He tells me write “JUST IN TIME”?  Why, LORD?  It makes no sense to me. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 19 Feb 2016


Many Christians are all fired up when they hear about the promises God made throughout the Bible, but as soon as trials arise in their lives, they are quick to forget all about the promises, and focus on the trial instead.  They forget one comment the Lord Jesus made: Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 30 Jan 2015


The Book of  Hebrews defines faith, and how the just, that is those in right standing with God, shall LIVE by faith.  That doesn’t mean we just try to work up some faith to get us through a time of trouble, but rather that we ABIDE CONTINUALLY in faith, that it is a way of life for us every moment of every day. And there is great reward in doing so, both in this life and forever. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 05 Dec 2014


Every lesson I teach on here has been one of my own personal experience, not just something I read somewhere.  You all know my calling is healing, and no matter what my experience may be, it does not change the Word of God.  Yesterday I fell from a ladder and badly injured my left ankle and cannot presently walk on it.  Now, does my injury change the promise of God’s healing in any way? Continue Reading »