Published by admin on 06 Aug 2021



What is the definition of “ENDURE”?  It is a verb, denoting action, meaning to carry on through despite hardships or misfortune without yielding, to put up with, suffering, to tolerate, to continue to exist, to last.  Now, that’s what the Lord Jesus had in mind when He was asked what would be the sign of His coming, and the end of the world. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 17 Jan 2020


It seems people who read the Bible are among the slowest to believe all that is written therein. That’s why there is so much division in the Body of Christ. If we would all simply BELIEVE what is written, and act upon it, most of this world would already be won to the LORD, but no, we pick and choose what we want to believe. One believes in salvation, but not healing, another believes in healing, but not speaking in tongues, another believes they don’t know WHAT to believe. And it’s a mess, and it’s been going on quite a while. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 15 Mar 2019


When looking at the state of the “CHURCH” at large, I see a dissimilarity between Christ Jesus and the Church. I see a “Church” comprised of “believers” who are more prone to desire God to serve them, than they are to serve God. For proof of that, I ask you to listen to the prayers you hear others make, and your own prayers as well. Are those prayers filled with, “LORD, I need…., please give me…., LORD, please do this for me….”? If so, then those are not “I’m serving God” prayers, but rather “God, serve ME” prayers.

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Published by admin on 06 Oct 2017


Have you ever noticed how much time Christians spend asking God to do such-and-such for them?  Have you noticed how many times YOU have asked God to do things for you?  Maybe it’s time to pay better attention to that. Perhaps you haven’t realized how very much power and authority God has already granted unto you. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 03 Feb 2017


Today I will teach about healing again, it’s my job. The Body of Christ seems to be suffering from an inferiority complex.  For the most part, believers have forgotten what the Lord Jesus taught His disciples.  And most importantly, they have forgotten that THEY are the modern-day disciples of Christ Jesus of Nazareth, meaning the world looks at them and expects them to deliver the same thing that the original disciples were empowered to do.  Assuming you are a believer and follower of Christ Jesus, can you look in the mirror and see yourself as taking the place of one of the original disciples?  Yes, I know the Lord Jesus was here over two thousand years ago, and you weren’t even born yet.  But the Bible says in Hebrews 13:8, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and for ever. That means what He taught His disciples then applies today. Continue Reading »