Published by admin on 27 Aug 2020


We are told by the Lord Jesus not to have worry or anxiety about things. Yeah, I know, it’s easy to say, but hard to do, right? Well, it doesn’t HAVE to be. I think of it like this; if God be for me, who can be against me? And if God be FOR me, WHO CARES who’s against me? So why worry, when God has me covered? And that would be a good attitude for YOU to have, as well. It is written in Matthew 6:24-34,

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Published by admin on 04 Apr 2019


Without a doubt, all of us face trials at one time or another, and it makes no difference if you are a Christian or not. The devil is an “equal opportunity destroyer” who would just as soon destroy you as much as me, it makes him no difference. But it DOES make a difference to him when he runs into someone who has faith and isn’t afraid to use it.

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