Published by admin on 06 Aug 2021



What is the definition of “ENDURE”?  It is a verb, denoting action, meaning to carry on through despite hardships or misfortune without yielding, to put up with, suffering, to tolerate, to continue to exist, to last.  Now, that’s what the Lord Jesus had in mind when He was asked what would be the sign of His coming, and the end of the world. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 16 Jul 2021


Today, when asking the LORD what to write,  the subject of “fear” came up.  Fear, you know, when you read something or hear something or see something that makes your stomach turn over and you start to shake all over, and that hot feeling comes all over you…yes, THAT fear.  We’ve all been there, and it isn’t a nice feeling, and God doesn’t want us to experience it ever again. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 02 Jul 2021


There’s a lot of bad stuff going on in the earth today, and we see it all around us, fires, floods, earthquakes, all kinds of disasters, not to mention all the strife between people of every nation. Well, it should show us where we’re at in the timeline of the Bible. It is written in Revelation 12:7-12,

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Published by admin on 23 Feb 2018


There’s a battle going on for your soul right now in the spiritual realm, and whether you like it or not, you are going to take a stand. You may think you don’t have any choice in the matter, but the truth is, you do. You can choose to be an overcomer in Christ Jesus, or you can choose to hunker down and hope for the best as the battle rages around you. It isn’t a matter IF you will be attacked by the devil, but WHEN. So you must choose your position. Continue Reading »