Published by admin on 08 Apr 2021


There’s a lot of hunger in the world, and always has been. Not that there needs to be hunger from not having enough to eat, but that’s caused by mankind’s greed. There is enough food in the world that nobody needs to go hungry. But that’s only ONE kind of hunger. Some people are hungry for money, and they can never get “enough”. Some are hungry for power, and they can’t get enough, either. Because of the fallen nature of mankind, greed has taken center stage in society, and the cure for that is ANOTHER kind of hunger: that being hunger for the Word of God.

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Published by admin on 12 Dec 2014


Not being one to waste time, let me get to the heart of what the LORD is saying to us today: Is the Lord Jesus a mere casual acquaintance, or your most precious relationship? For example, we will say you know about the Queen of England.  But if someone asks her if she knows YOU, will she say “Certainly!  We have spent many wonderful hours together!” Or, will she shake her head and say, “I don’t recall the name”. Let me put it like this; when your name comes up in heaven, and it will, does the Lord Jesus sayWHO???? Or does He KNOW you? Continue Reading »