Published by admin on 04 Feb 2022



For years I’ve wondered why some people grab hold of the Gospel and grow like a week, while others seem to grow for a while, then level off, and never go forward from there.  And while studying in Luke a couple nights ago, the LORD showed me the answer.  Turn with me to Luke chapter 5, verses 36-39. I believe He showed me why. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 03 Dec 2021


I’ve been to very few churches who teach from the whole Bible, cover to cover.  Most all of them pick and choose what to major in, and most times they end up “majoring in the minors”.  One denomination is big on salvation. Another on gifts of the Spirit. Another on speaking in tongues, while another majors on prophecy.  There are as many denominations as there are pages in the Bible it seems.  And yet the ENTIRE Bible is telling us of the very nature of God and instructs us in how to follow Him. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 08 Oct 2021



Proverbs is always a good place to seek wisdom, and today, the scriptures I’ll us is from Proverbs 8:34-35,

34  Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.

 35  For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD.  Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 24 Sep 2021



The Holy Bible is full of promises to us, but unless we put them to use, they are only words on a page.  I have an old Tee shirt that says, “The Word works wonders when the workman works the Word”.  The exact opposite is true as well, if we don’t work the Word of God, it produces no wonders for us.  The first wonder the Word will work for us is salvation, IF WE WORK THE WORD. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 03 Sep 2021



There seems to be a lot of people who either don’t believe the LORD is returning soon, or just don’t care, by the way they live and speak.  I for one believe He IS coming soon, perhaps during my lifetime, and it moves me with fear, not of being lost, but of not accomplishing what He has called me to do.  And that is what?  Preaching the Kingdom of God and asking people to repent and become disciples of Christ Jesus. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 30 Jul 2021



All my life I have been very interested in watches, and was doing watch repair by age nine, and my dad was a watchmaker as a hobby. I was always fascinated by all the moving parts in a watch, how every one of them worked together as a team to keep the watch running on time.  In fact, the gears are called the “gear train”, like from engine to caboose on a train. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 23 Jul 2021



Have you ever wished you had “inside information” about things you face in life?  I’m sure you have.  Investors want that every day so they’re able to make money.  Should we be so different from investors?  Indeed, we should want to be on the inside track concerning everything we do. Nobody wants to be the caboose on the train of life.  It’s hard living in reaction to every bad thing that comes up in life, and there are many that live that way.  It would be much better knowing ahead of time about trouble, and being able to avoid it.  And we CAN be. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 18 Jun 2021


Many people I talk to are really worried about how things are going in the world. Lots of changes in our lives have taken place over the past year, changes in government, people trying to take our freedom from us, with fear mongers spreading lies and fear. With Covid making people sick with some dying, our children being forced to stay home from school, people losing jobs, businesses closing, things have looked pretty dismal. And we are just now a year and a half later starting to come out of it, but things are no where near back to “normal”. Many tell us things will never be back as they were before.

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Published by admin on 05 Mar 2021


By what means are we saved? Is it by our own works, obeying commandments and observing Holy Days? If that were so, we would not need a Savior, it would simply be a matter of our own choice. We could be secure in our salvation by making sure day by day we performed according to all the rules. But what if we slip up? Or what if we misunderstand some obscure jot or tittle and performed according to our understanding, only to find out in the judgment that someone taught us wrong?

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Published by admin on 05 Feb 2021


Have you ever given any thought to how powerful you really are? There is much more to you than the eye beholds. Within you is the power to make or break you, to overcome any obstacle, or fail, to be courageous or cowardly, to be creative and inventive, or to waste your life and do nothing. It’s all in the choices you make, and the choices you make are determined by what you think you can or cannot achieve.

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