Published by admin on 09 Jan 2020


There are those out there feeling hopeless and abandoned, who are children of the Most High, who have been repeatedly asking God to deliver them from whatever trials they are experiencing. I feel the Holy Spirit is asking the following question: WHEN WILL YOU BELIEVE I HAVE ALREADY RESCUED, DELIVERED, AND SAVED YOU FROM THE EVIL ONE?

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Published by admin on 06 Oct 2017


Have you ever noticed how much time Christians spend asking God to do such-and-such for them?  Have you noticed how many times YOU have asked God to do things for you?  Maybe it’s time to pay better attention to that. Perhaps you haven’t realized how very much power and authority God has already granted unto you. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 30 Jun 2017


This morning I woke up and asked the LORD what to write about today, and He said, Philippians 4:13.  There was no delay whatsoever in His reply.  What does it say?  “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Let’s pick that simple verse apart;  He says I CAN.  That word “can” is causative, not permissive, that means I am ABLE to.  I don’t have to seek permission, it is already ordained that I CAN.  DO;  that word signifies “action”, not just intent.  All things; how many is “ALL”?  That signifies the “total amount of” the THINGS; that which I choose to do.  THROUGH CHRIST  now it gets interesting. We have to ask, “What things would Christ have me do, since I am able to do all things?”  Has He empowered us to “do our own thing”?  Or is there a higher calling for our life?  WHICH STRENGTHENETH ME; well, seeing it is clearly CHRIST which strengtheneth me, then that empowerment is clearly to do Kingdom of God work, not my “own thing”. Continue Reading »