Published by admin on 26 Nov 2021



Sometimes we complain about what we don’t have.  I’ve done it, too, but that doesn’t make it right.  So I decided to try to be more thankful, not only for what I have to be thankful for, but what I DON’T have, to be thankful for.  I had terminal cancer back in 1993, and you can bet I’m thankful I don’t have THAT anymore.  So, I’m thankful for….. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 03 Jul 2020


As soon as I was ready to write today, the LORD was ready to give me what to write about. If there’s anything that is going on these days, it is that people are discontent and spend a lot of time murmuring. Do you know what? That doesn’t go over too well with God, no, not one bit. After all, He has blessed us so very abundantly, each and every one of us, and how do we show our appreciation? We MURMUR!

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Published by admin on 24 Jun 2016


We read a sad, sad story in Genesis chapter three about the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden.  God had created Adam and Eve and gave them authority and dominion over all the earth, and guess what happened? They gave it all to the devil.  Does that mean God was finished with mankind?  No, God always has a plan. Let’s read about it. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 03 Apr 2015


So many tell me they are waiting on God to do something for them.  For some, it is salvation for a loved one, for another it is lifting a financial burden or a healing, or some other pressing need.  But to each of them, my answer is always the same: You are not waiting for God, God is waiting for YOU.  That statement often rubs people the wrong way, because they may have been suffering for a very long time.  But whether it rubs them the wrong way or not, it is the TRUTH.  You know, telling someone the truth doesn’t always make them happy.  We have our own ways of doing things and it’s hard sometimes to see things any other way than our own way. Continue Reading »