Published by admin on 18 Apr 2014 at 11:28 am
Today while seeking the LORD what to write about, I heard in the Spirit, “in due time”. Now, what did He mean by that? Was He telling me He is busy and He will get back to me later about it? No, because He ALWAYS tells me what to write as soon as I ask. Rather, He gave me the subject matter. It seemed logical to find everything the Bible has to say about “in due time”, so here are the verses. Allow me to comment on each:
Deu_32:35 To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.
God wants us to know evil shall not always have its way. In fact, had Adam and Eve not disobeyed Him, there would be no evil to contend with in the first place. But they did, and all down through history we have had to deal with the consequences. Jesus came and preached the coming Kingdom of God, taught His disciples to do the same, and they preached the Kingdom of God. But through the ages, the true message of the Kingdom of God has been perverted into the “Kingdom of What I Want”, that we hear today.. Satan always counterfeits what God has done. For example; the Godhead consists of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which I will call “Three in One, for the Bible says God is One. So the devil’s version of the Godhead is also three, but tells us it’s all about the “Big Three”: Me, Myself, and I. We have become so self-centered, there is no longer room for God in our lives for the most part. Think about it: we are so consumed with our own agenda that it is absurd to think we are truly totally dedicated to the worship and obedience of God. At best, we are all guilty of being part-time servants of a Full Time God. Why am I saying that? We all want God to be there 24/7 for us, yet, can we truly say we are there to do God’s slightest whim 24/7? Be honest now…The answer has to be, what is truly most important in our life? God’s agenda or ours? I rest my case. BUT, in due time, God WILL clean up this mess that mankind has created by insisting on his own will. And when He does, He will do it quickly, and it will come upon the earth so quickly that there will be no room to “get our spiritual house in order”. That’s why we need to do it NOW, while there is yet time, TODAY, RIGHT NOW THIS VERY MOMENT! God is truly longsuffering and merciful, but there is a time when He will say, as Jesus did upon the cross, “IT IS FINISHED!” Will YOU be ready for His coming?
Rom_5:6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
Before Christ died on the cross, there was no hope of salvation, and though the Bible spoke of the hope of coming salvation in the Old Testament, it had not yet come to pass. The Israelites looked forward to their coming Savior for thousands of years, and in due time, He came and paid the full price for punishment for sin for all mankind, past, present, and future. Today, as the Bible says, Christ died for the ungodly. That’s US, it’s done! We no longer have to groan for the day it will happen, as ancient Israel did. For example: all the Holy Days, the Feasts of the LORD are pictures of the plan of salvation. Last week was the Feast of Passover, and as of this writing, we are in the Days of Unleavened Bread. The Feasts are what we call “shadows” of heavenly events, some are already fulfilled, others are still coming, and they will come “in due time” at the second coming of Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit has already been given to those who believe and long for Him to fill them with God’s Spirit. We are no longer “tarrying” for the Holy Spirit. He is already here and waiting for US to invite Him in. Many say He is coming in due time….no, He is already here, waiting for us to make OUR move to Him.
1Co_15:8 And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time.
As most of you know, the Apostle Paul was not one of the original disciples, but the risen Lord Jesus appeared unto him on the road to Damascus, where Paul was headed to oppress the believers of Christ Jesus. Paul’s whole world was changed that day, and he became one of the LORD’S most fervent servants, writing most of the New Testament. You know, when Christ Jesus reveals Himself to you, it just has a way of doing that. And even though Christ Jesus has never made a personal appearance to me, His Holy Spirit turned my world upside down in 1993, and the effect of His love has never faded, but rather grown. Do YOU have Jesus inside? If not, would you receive Him now? Why not have your sins forgiven, ALL your sins, past, present and future, and start now LIVING the Kingdom of God, right here, right now? You can, you know, for in due time, as it is written, Christ died for the ungodly. And you can enjoy the benefits thereof NOW!
1Ti_2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
I’m sure the Lord Jesus could have thought of a thousand other things to do that day, other than suffering untold, unimaginable torture that day on the cross. I for one want the LORD to constantly remind me of Jesus’ suffering for the payment of MY sins, lest I get lazy and forget and take His sacrifice for granted. I’ve seen the movies called “The Passion”, “Jesus of Nazareth”, some others, and they get pretty graphic, yet the Bible says Jesus’ appearance was marred beyond any man, and that tells me even the best movie producers cannot reproduce how horribly Jesus was tortured, disfigured, and the pain He suffered FOR US, for YOU and ME. We really don’t want to think about that, do we? We would rather picture a tidy Jesus hanging upon the cross with a drop of blood on His brow, a drop of blood on each hand from the nails, and a drop of blood on his feet from the nails there. We really don’t want to think about the horror Jesus went through, nor do we want to think about the just punishment for OUR sins is what Jesus went through for us, and it should be US on that cross instead of Him. No, we’d rather not think about it, but rather think about how we want God to bless us. Oh, LORD, bless me, bless me, bless me! Have YOU told anyone today what Jesus suffered for them? Have you given any thought YOURSELF how Jesus suffered and died for you? Are you thankful? Have you told Him so today? Are you a living testimony of Christ Jesus? You should be, after all, Christ died for YOU, and the life you are living should be for HIM, not your own agenda!
1Pe_5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.
That’s pretty self-explanatory, isn’t it? Either we will voluntarily humble ourselves unto God, or He will do it for us. As for me, I’d rather spend the rest of my life exalting and worshipping Him, thanking and serving Him, than to turn my back to Him and go my own way. So many years of my life were wasted running from God, because the God that was preached to me was an angry God, sitting up there on a cloud with a fly-swatter, just waiting for me to light, so He could send me straight to hell. Not that I didn’t deserve it, mind you. But you owe it to yourself to open your Bible and read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and if you will let Him, God will reveal Himself to you in those books. You will find that though He IS a God of judgment, He is so merciful that He sent His only begotten Son to pay the price for your sins, and that the stripes the Lord Jesus bore on His body were for your healing. Believe me, knowing your sins are paid for and forgiven, and knowing Jesus healed all your diseases, will make your day, and your week, and the rest of your life. We have been elevated from the status of having no hope of salvation, lost in sin, having hellfire to look forward to, to one of being a beloved son or daughter of God, beloved in His sight, cleansed by the blood of Jesus. That means the heavenly Father no longer sees you as a “sinner”, but “redeemed”, and that means He sees you through the blood of Jesus as having never sinned at all! Now, THAT is exalted, wouldn’t you say? The Word says, “that he may exalt you in due time.” When is “due time”? when you humble yourself under the mighty hand of God. Simple enough, huh? Even me, a simple country boy from the Ozarks can understand that one.
Now, hopefully, you are already a disciple of Christ Jesus and you are already doing all this. Ok, here’s how the Gospel of Jesus Christ is spread: Go tell someone. And if you’re not good at telling, then make copies of this and simply give it to people. Let the Holy Spirit do His work. He knows what to do, for it is written in John 6:44-45,
Joh 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
Joh 6:45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.
I’m sure you’d like to have a part in helping someone who doesn’t know Jesus right now, making it to the Kingdom of God, wouldn’t you? He says every man that hears and learns of the Father, comes to Him. You’ve heard. Now go and tell others. Here’s your chance to do the work of God, for it is due time.