Published by admin on 23 Nov 2002 at 12:33 pm
Well, once again, it’s Thanksgiving season. The weather is getting cold, the frost is on the pumpkin for a while, that is until it ends up in the oven for pumpkin pie. I’m thankful for pumpkin pie. And not just at Thanksgiving, but anytime. In fact, I’m thankful for most any kind of pie. You could say I’m just a thankful person.
I thank God that I woke up this morning. And with everything working, at that. I’m most thankful of all for the blood of Jesus shed on the cross, that I might be saved. Thank you, Jesus, more than I could ever say. I thank God for my lovely wife, who is such a blessing to me. Thank you, Lord. I thank God we live in a free country, with the knowledge that when morning comes, freedom will still be here because brave people died for this country to make us free.
Their sacrifice for our freedom did not come cheap to them, or their families, nor does it go unnoticed by me. I’m thankful to those who died and wish there was a way I could tell them so to their face. And to the ones who are still alive who served, I say, Thank you! Their sacrifice was made because they believed in what our country stands for. And just what is that? It’s freedom to be able to live next to your neighbor and not be oppressed, and to serve God without fear of someone killing you because are a Christian. Because God was invited to America, we are blessed as a country, more than any other nation on the face of the earth. I’m thankful, Lord God.
Our country was founded on the relationships our forefathers had with God. They knew our country would be strong as long as it served God. I’m thankful for their walk with God and for the wisdom they had because of it. They had the insight to set our government up around the Bible. And they were strong Christians because they had Pastors who loved them and trained them up in the ways of God. Good Pastors, at that.
Which brings me to what I am very, very thankful for today; and that is for my Pastor. I love him and would lay my life down for him. Why? Because he has laid his life down for me, and the rest of his flock. He gave up the pleasures he could have had in the world, in order to be a Pastor, to bring his life into subjection of the Bible, and to live his life following Jesus as an example for me to follow. I’m thankful, Pastor Larry. I think so few people actually know, let alone appreciate what a Pastor goes through for his flock. I know, because I have also been a pastor. It’s largely a thankless job, staying on top of his own relationship with God, while trying to meet the needs of many and keeping the peace in the flock, and juggling a family life, and keeping sane through it all. Thank you, Pastor.
A Pastor seeks to care for his flock. A very special Pastor spends lots of time in prayer for his flock and loves them all, regardless of their individual temperaments and…..well, faults (not that they have any, mind you). He is always seeking God for what his flock needs to hear, and is diligent to teach it and make it clear. And He takes time to listen to all our endless needs. He comforts, counsels, corrects, and prays for the afflicted, exhorts and instructs. And all the time, doing it without complaint even though he might rather be spending some time with his sweet wife. Oh yes, and don’t forget to thank your Pastor’s wife for all she has had to sacrifice as well. Don’t thing this has been all without cost to her…it hasn’t. Thank you!
While you may be thankful for the Thanksgiving turkey, and that’s fine, I’m busy being thankful for my Pastor, who is no turkey.
He soars with the eagles! And I’m blessed to be able to call him my Pastor. Thank you Pastor, for all you are doing. And thank You God, for all you are doing for us through Him! Thank You, God, for Pastors!