Published by admin on 29 Jan 2016 at 01:18 pm
If somehow you knew today was your last day, how would you live it? Nobody really wants to think about that one, do they? Well, one of these days, it WILL be your last day, whether you know it is coming or not is another story altogether. But if you did know it was your last day, what would you do? Would you be sure to take time to thank God for your life and worship Him? Would it be a priority to get right with God if you aren’t already? Would you forgive those who had wronged you? Would you make amends with those you had distanced yourself? Would you draw your loved ones close and tell them how much you love them? These and so many other questions come to mind.
There probably isn’t anyone who would wish they had spent more time at work instead with their family. There are so many things to consider that it is impossible to list them all here. But think about it, each of us are only a heartbeat away from eternity, and we should be making the most of every moment. Living life at its fullest is something most of us don’t do, rather, we just live for the moment at hand. For some, life is a struggle, maybe they’re sick and in pain, or simply don’t think they have anything left to live for. But whatever situation you’re in, shouldn’t your life be one that prepares you for eternity? The decisions we make today determines our future, and there is no such thing as an insignificant day in our life.
Being able to lay your head down at night and knowing all is well with your soul makes for good sleep. We all miss opportunities to tell our loved ones how much they mean to us, but did you do everything you could today to make them know you care? Most importantly, how important is God in your life? Is He just an afterthought, someone to talk to after you run out of Facebook friends to talk to? How’s that prayer life, is it simply, Dear Lord, bless me today? Is there dust collecting on your Bible?
Back in 1993, I was considering all these things because I had cancer, and a VERY short time to live. If you’re strong and healthy, you don’t give much thought to those things, but when you’re looking death in the eyes, they become very important, as they did to me. God gave me a second chance at life, but not everyone gets that opportunity. Now, nearly twenty three years later God is still at the center of my life, and I don’t take a single day for granted, but I remember I almost didn’t have a chance to get it right back then. That’s the mercy of God.
I’m writing this today because someone out there reading this needs to see it. I’m not predicting doom and gloom, no, I’m just saying don’t let that last day come upon you and it be filled with regret because you could have got it right with God and put it off. You could have forgave that one who hurt you a lot, and you didn’t, and now you wish you had. You could have loved better, but didn’t put forth the effort. Regret is a terrible thing, and it haunts you. Better to get things right while you still can, so when that last day comes, you can say like the Apostle Paul did in 2 Timothy 4:7-8,
2Ti 4:6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
2Ti 4:7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
2Ti 4:8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. Paul knew his time was limited in this life, and he had no regrets.
In Romans 15:18-10, he said this:
Rom 15:18 For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ hath not wrought by me, to make the Gentiles obedient, by word and deed,
Rom 15:19 Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.
You never read about the Apostle Paul saying he wished he had done such and such. No, rather he said he did not fail to fully preach the Gospel to those he met. Assuming YOU are a disciple of Christ Jesus, can YOU say that? Are you, and have you been a faithful witness for Christ Jesus? Or is He kind of on the back burner of your life? Have “other things” taken up your time to the point where God is being slowly choked out of your life? You know, if today was your last day and you knew it, I’d bet you’d find time to squeeze God into your schedule. But why wait until your last day? Your life will be much more enjoyable if serving God is your priority. After all, it’s not Mama who will save your soul. Yes, she brought you into this world, but Jesus died to save you, and where you’re going to spend eternity should be on your mind today.
It seems I’ve been going to a lot of funerals and memorials lately, and this “eternity” thing has been on my mind a lot. I don’t have another opportunity to tell those departed ones about Jesus, and I’m sure glad I did while the chance was there. Can YOU think of someone you’d like to tell about Jesus? Don’t just automatically assume you can do it “someday”, because “someday” is not on the calendar. You or they could easily slip into eternity today, and if you miss your chance to tell them, you will always regret it. Maybe there’s someone you always meant to make amends with, and put it off; well once they’re gone it’s too late and you’ll regret not having done it. So rather than have to deal with regret, why not take care of that today? Then, if it happens to be YOUR last day, you will have no regrets.
SAndie on 02 Feb 2016 at 7:49 pm #
Very timely!!!!!