Published by admin on 16 Aug 2013 at 01:34 pm
Here’s what’s going on at LHM….
Some of you have commented or called that I no longer send out personal emails each week to each of our contact list. Well, that’s due to “spamming rules” that don’t let me send out several thousand emails at a time anymore, and that’s why we’re using MailChimp now. People must now subscribe to receive my weekly letter. But I still respond to every email and every phone call, and I enjoy hearing from you, so WRITE TO ME! I’ll write back, or I’ll call you if you’re in the USA.
Our motor home is still down for repair, as it has been for the past ten months, so that has limited my travels. I now have MOST of the parts I need to rebuild the engine, but I’m still waiting for the machine shop to prepare the engine block so I can assemble the engine. Engine parts have proven nearly impossible to find, and I’ve searched world-wide for them, thus the delay. I’m looking forward to getting it back on the road, but I can’t truly say I’m looking forward to all the hours of work still ahead of me to get it done. Thanks to those who have given toward this project. They are FEW but God will bless them. Let me put it this way; if I had fifty cents for every hour I’ve spent working on this motor home over the last fifteen years, I would have enough to buy a brand new motor home with a warranty. As always, I’m working for free in order to serve you. Actually, we need a motor home that I don’t have to work on, because every hour I’m swinging wrenches is an hour I’m not ministering to those who need us. Please keep us in prayer. God bless!