Archive for December, 2018

Published by admin on 28 Dec 2018


As we close out another year, I want to ask you, Did you live out this year in the perfect will of God? And if not, what are you going to do about it? Obviously the best answer would be, “I’ll repent and get things right with God.” Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 21 Dec 2018


Unless you’ve lived alone in a cave all your life, you’ve probably had opportunity to have your feelings hurt many times over. And one by one, these offences stick to you like scales on a fish, until you’re covered with them, and your heart says, “Nobody will ever hurt me again.” But that’s a lie, because offences come on a daily basis, and some people are “offence magnets”. They just seem to take everything and everyone wrong, until their “armor” is so thick, their heart can no longer be touched. And that’s not what God wants for us.

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Published by admin on 14 Dec 2018


“Waste not, want not” is an old proverb first recorded in 1772, and a statement similar to that was recorded earlier in the 1500’s, which is as useful today as it was back then. When we make good use of what we already have available, it keeps us from having lack in that area.

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Published by admin on 07 Dec 2018


This is the season when people ask one another, What do you want for Christmas? But what about the REST of the year? What do you want? I can think of several things I’d like to have; peace on earth, kindness from each of us, nobody hungry or homeless, to name a few. But let’s be realistic: as a default condition, mankind’s heart is evil, and that’s why the world is in the mess it’s in. Can we do anything about it? Yes, and no. On our own, very little, but with Christ Jesus, we can be thoroughly changed from the inside out. EVERY SINGLE DAY!

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