Archive for March, 2018

Published by admin on 29 Mar 2018


Normally, I post my weekly newsletter on Friday, but I’m doing it a day early this week because it’s a special day.

Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus of Nazareth is often referred to as the Lamb of God, and for a very good reason: He was sacrificed to take away the sins of the world. In the Old Testament, Passover was initiated the evening the Israelites were told by Moses that the LORD was going to pass through Egypt and destroy the firstborn male of every animal and household where the blood of the Passover lamb was not on the lintel and doorpost. In other words, if He saw the blood, He would “pass over”, and there would be no death. The scriptures are in Exodus 12: This is an abbreviated account for the sake of time and room for this article.

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Published by admin on 23 Mar 2018


If we are the Body of Christ, and He is our head, why is there so much disunity in the Body? Now we know our natural body has many functions, each interdependent upon the others. The Bible has somewhat to say about this in 1 Corinthians 12. The entire chapter is useful here, but for the lack of room, we will use verses 12-17. It would be good if you go back and read the whole chapter.

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Published by admin on 16 Mar 2018


Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve prayed and prayed and it seems God is nowhere to be found? That is the topic for today.

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Published by admin on 09 Mar 2018


Springtime is upon us, and it’s my favorite time of the year. It means flowers pushing up out of the ground, trees getting their leaves back, the grass starts growing again, and it’s a time of new hope and renewal. Spring means new life and hope. But what about those who have no hope, or have given up hope that things will ever change and be better? Spring happens each year whether you have hope or not, because God set things up that way.

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Published by admin on 02 Mar 2018


Have you ever been to the circus? One of the attractions there is usually a tightrope walker. He or she would climb high up to a rope or a wire stretched between two poles, and the idea is to safely walk from one end to the other without falling. Nearly everyone wants to make a hit in life, everyone but the tightrope walker, that is. He or she prefers just to get there safely.

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