Published by admin on 02 Jul 2021


There’s a lot of bad stuff going on in the earth today, and we see it all around us, fires, floods, earthquakes, all kinds of disasters, not to mention all the strife between people of every nation. Well, it should show us where we’re at in the timeline of the Bible. It is written in Revelation 12:7-12,

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Published by admin on 20 Dec 2019


I just finished twenty six days of intensive ministry by email to hundreds of people who saw me on Sid Roth, asking for prayer. The majority were asking for healing, or salvation for family members. Some were in financial straits, and some needed jobs. Some wanted to know what God wanted them to do. And some asked for things that even a non-believer would know God would not look favorably upon.

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Published by admin on 15 Feb 2019


You know how I love to teach about healing, for it is part of our “benefits” package. But there’s something even more important than healing, and that is your soul. Healing is wonderful, but what good is a healed body if your soul is lost? Can you be healed even if you’re not saved? Sure you can, you see, that’s God’s “dinner bell”, how He says, “Come and get it!” And most unsaved people, once they’ve tasted the goodness of God, come running to Him to be saved. That’s why Psalm 103:2 says,”…and forget not all His benefits”. You can have them ALL…IF you follow Him.

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Published by admin on 25 Apr 2014


There used to be a TV show called “Dragnet” about a policeman named Joe Friday whose catchphrase was “Just the facts”. In the course of his investigation there were often theories about this or that, but he wasn’t interested in theories, “just the facts”.  Well, that’s me.  As you know, I teach about a lot of Bible subjects, but mostly about healing.  And do you know what?  I don’t give a hoot about anyone’s theory about this or that, all I’m interested in are the FACTS!  Everywhere I go there are people who think this or that about the Bible, and yes, I do too, BUT what we think doesn’t count.  What DOES count is what the Bible says, for it contains the sum knowledge of what is revealed by God to mankind.  Yes, the Holy Spirit speaks to believers, but what He says ALWAYS agrees with the written Word of God.  And what about the times when the “voice of the Holy Spirit” doesn’t agree with the Word, such as “NEW REVELATION?  Pitch it. Continue Reading »