Published by admin on 21 Jan 2022


Ok, you’ve made it through another New Year, what now?  Are you making needed changes that you’ve promised yourself that you would being it’s a new year?  Or is it back to the same-old-same-old?

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Published by admin on 12 Oct 2018


Most of us probably remember the saying the “Three Musketeers” had, which was “ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL”. It’s a slogan that would serve Christians very well, being Christ Jesus led by example and gave His life as a sacrifice for all mankind. He would have gone through all that horrible agony and torture and died for YOU even if you were the only person on this whole earth. I think maybe people take His sacrifice way too lightly, because it happened so long ago, and plus the fact that none of us alive today were there to witness it firsthand, so they have not a clue what torture He endured for us.

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Published by admin on 17 Feb 2017


There are many “unattached” pieces in the Body of Christ, and that should not be the case.  Many have not a clue what their purpose and calling is, nor how to go about fulfilling what God has called them to do.  For that reason God had to set up a system to bring unity into His body.  It is written in Ephesians 4:11-16, Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 30 Oct 2015


Have you ever noticed how different church denominations seem to “major” on one certain portion of doctrine?  For example, the Baptists are real focused on salvation, Pentecostals are focused on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and so on, but none of them seem to be focused on “all” that the Lord Jesus taught? Continue Reading »