Published by admin on 30 Jul 2021



All my life I have been very interested in watches, and was doing watch repair by age nine, and my dad was a watchmaker as a hobby. I was always fascinated by all the moving parts in a watch, how every one of them worked together as a team to keep the watch running on time.  In fact, the gears are called the “gear train”, like from engine to caboose on a train. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 25 Nov 2016


When asking the LORD just now what I’m supposed to write, He said to me, “Just in time.”  Well, this is a particularly hard letter for me to write today, because we just returned home from a trip where we returned from ministering to a family in North Carolina whose son was in the hospital in ICU.  The family had been believing God for six years to heal their son, and there were prayer intercessors all over the country praying for this young man for months around the clock.  I made two trips out there and laid hands on him for healing, the first trip three weeks ago saw him rally and improve. But later he developed sepsis in his blood, organ failure and he died a couple days ago in spite of all our prayers.  And God has often healed people for me at the last possible moment.  But not this time, and He tells me write “JUST IN TIME”?  Why, LORD?  It makes no sense to me. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 15 Jan 2016


Most of us know people who are always late for appointments, and I don’t know about you, but it kind of irks me when that happens.  It seems they are only about themselves and have no regard for the inconvenience they cause others. But what about GOD when HE seems to be late showing up? Continue Reading »