Most of you know I teach on a wide range of subjects.  But when it comes right down to it, HEALING is my real gift and calling.  Yes, other things are important, like faith or obedience, but the LORD has people who He has called to specialize in those areas.  There are those who teach faith almost exclusively, some teach on the blessings, or holiness, and the LORD has put a special anointing on those people to teach in those particular areas.  It seems we all have a certain area of anointing, but none of us operate in all the gifts all the time, except Christ Jesus of Nazareth.  Time and time again, I’m drawn back to healing.  Why?  Because there are so many sick people out there, and it isn’t the LORD’S will we be sick, any more than it is the LORD’S will we be living in sin.  The LORD has revealed much to me about healing over the years, for the purpose of showing people the love of God for them. Continue Reading »