Published by admin on 27 Aug 2021



With so many things being counterfeited these days, like American goods being counterfeited in China, it can be hard to know the genuine article from the counterfeit.  I’ve enjoyed watches pretty much my whole life, learning to work on them from a child. My dad did watchmaking part time, and watching him take a broken watch and make it run again made me want to learn to do it too.  And before long I had a small collection of various watches.  Most of them were “cheapies”, as I was just a kid, but Dad worked on some pretty expensive ones, too. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 16 Apr 2021


Through my nearly 28 years in ministry, I’ve heard so many people talk about “their ministry” work. And for as many people you ask what their ministry is, you’ll get that many different answers. Many of those works are good and helpful, although that’s not always true, evidenced by how much strife and division there is in the Body of Christ. Continue Reading »