Published by admin on 11 Jun 2021


Here’s something that came up in my spirit this morning that I’d like to share with you. It is written in Proverbs 11:13, A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.
We all probably know someone who, for one reason or another, likes to tell others about things told them in confidence. But according to the above verse, God doesn’t seem to like that. There was a TV show on many years ago where a lady sang, “We’re not ones to go around spreading rumors. Why really, we’re just not the gossipy kind! Oh, you’ll never hear one of us repeating gossip, so you’d better be sure to listen close the first time.” Now I know this has nothing to do with what I usually preach, but there must be a reason the LORD put this in my spirit today, and someone out there needs to hear this.

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Published by admin on 07 Jul 2017


A band called the Beatles had a hit record back in around 1963 called, “Do you want to know a secret?”  Everyone wants to know a secret, right? And the Bible is chock full of them, called “mysteries”.  But the Lord Jesus gave away some that had been kept hidden from the foundation of the world. Continue Reading »