Published by admin on 19 Jan 2018
So many tell me that Jesus is their LORD, yet they’re still making all the decisions in their life. So, who is Lord, really? Is that something YOU need to hear? Continue Reading »
Published by admin on 19 Jan 2018
So many tell me that Jesus is their LORD, yet they’re still making all the decisions in their life. So, who is Lord, really? Is that something YOU need to hear? Continue Reading »
Published by admin on 16 Jun 2017
How is your relationship with the Lord Jesus today? Does it sizzle, or fizzle? Usually I work my way up to the subject, but today I want you to realize we don’t have time to waste. We know Jesus is coming back, but when? It could be today, it could be in several hundred years, but each of us have our own “expiration date”, and it could be right now, we just don’t know. Do you have a guarantee of tomorrow? I don’t, and neither do you. So we should be taking care of the most important matters in our lives FIRST, and our soul is our most important possession. Continue Reading »
Published by admin on 15 May 2015
When we think about marriage vows, the phrase “FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE” usually comes to mind. Of course, everybody embraces the “for better” part, but the problem seems to lie with the “for worse” part. Marriage isn’t always like a meal where the appetizer comes first, then main course, then dessert. Sometimes we get a relationship out of order with the dessert is served as an appetizer and then when the main course is served, they’re already full and don’t want it. That’s why many couples live together and never get married: they don’t want the responsibility that comes with the main course. Then when hard times come, and sooner or later they always do, they bail out. What does that have to do with Jesus? Glad you asked. Continue Reading »
Published by admin on 28 Nov 2014
Many offer up prayers unto the LORD for one reason or another. What assurance do we have the LORD hears our prayers, let alone will answer them? We can find answers is in both the Old Testament and the New. You remember how the Word says to let every word be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses, so let’s explore a few of them. Continue Reading »