Published by admin on 29 Sep 2017
Last week I was warning people about saying “The LORD said….”, and justly so, for there are many false prophets out there proclaiming stuff the LORD never told them to say. But today I’m telling you something the LORD definitely DID say. And though many tell me that doesn’t apply to us today, let me ask you something: What part of “for ever” does not apply to us “for ever”? In this particular instance, I’m talking about God’s Holy Days. Many would see this as “I’m not going back under the law, as we are in the age of grace”. But if your very favorite person whom you’ve always wanted to meet, say a famous movie star, said, “On these days, I will meet with those who really love me.”, wouldn’t you make every effort to meet with them? Wouldn’t you take time out of your schedule to be with them? Well, I guess it depends on how important to you it is, right? Continue Reading »