Published by admin on 31 Aug 2018


Today I’d like to talk about healing. Why? Because a lot of people need it, and jump through all kinds of hoops trying to be well. They spend vast fortunes on doctors and medicines, and success is measured by the amount spent, if at all. Sometimes I wonder why people stumble at healing so badly, when God made it so simple and easy.

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Published by admin on 15 Jun 2018


One of the saddest things I’ve seen is talking to old folks who, looking back, regretted things they had done in life. Some had worked in jobs they hated, some had stayed in abusive relationships, and some ran from God their whole life. Time is so precious, and we only can spend each moment of it once. There is no “do over”, to go back and change things, so we shouldn’t waste it. Regret is a thief of joy, and it doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor. Many would blame finances for regret, but you can be rich and still be miserable. In fact, there have been many suicides among the rich and famous.

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Published by admin on 22 Dec 2017


Last week my article was about our choices.  I’d like to expand on that a bit today.  Being this is the Christmas season, it’s only fitting to talk about what everyone else is talking about: shopping and gift giving and receiving, right?  So let’s do that. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 11 Jul 2014


The Holy Spirit is leading me back in the direction of healing today.  Many have told me they believe healing went out with the ministry of Jesus and the original disciples, and that’s why we don’t see a lot of healing miracles today. Well, before we come to that conclusion, let’s see what Jesus had to say about it. Continue Reading »