Published by admin on 11 Dec 2020


Recently I’ve been told that our marriage to our spouse is our “most important ministry”, that ministry begins at home, and our spouse is our most important thing. That sounds good, but does it align with what Jesus taught? As much as I’d like to say that’s correct, the Bible just doesn’t bear that out. In fact, it says quite the opposite. You see, God is a jealous God, meaning HE must be Number One, not further on down the list. Is that a hard word? Only if God is not your Number One.

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Published by admin on 05 Jul 2019


The Lord Jesus told His disciples in John 14:26, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

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Published by admin on 03 Aug 2017


Whenever there is a death, there is usually a will left behind to ascertain the property left behind will be distributed as the one who died desires.  And of course, everyone who thinks they stand to inherit something will show up for the reading of the will.  Most sit there with high hopes they will leave inheriting something of great worth.  Now suppose the one who died was rich; and I don’t mean just “rich”, but wealthy beyond even their wildest imagination.  Now you’re getting the idea.  The will is about to be read, and all the family members gathered are sitting on the edge of their chairs. Continue Reading »