Published by admin on 29 Apr 2021


It saddens me that men and women on God seem to be afraid to wield the sword that we have been given. We are the voices of one crying in the wilderness, just as John the Baptist did, “Make straight the way of the LORD”. That means the crooked and wicked must be cast down. Instead, many churches and ministers, seeking “peace with the world”, are being silent against the wickedness presently being flaunted in the world today. These false prophets think if we just keep our mouths shut against evil, that everything will be fine. Well, it won’t.

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Published by admin on 11 Dec 2020


Recently I’ve been told that our marriage to our spouse is our “most important ministry”, that ministry begins at home, and our spouse is our most important thing. That sounds good, but does it align with what Jesus taught? As much as I’d like to say that’s correct, the Bible just doesn’t bear that out. In fact, it says quite the opposite. You see, God is a jealous God, meaning HE must be Number One, not further on down the list. Is that a hard word? Only if God is not your Number One.

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Published by admin on 14 Feb 2020


By Jerry Baysinger
The Body of Christ is made up of many members, speaking many languages, living in many different countries, having many individual talents, and having Christ Jesus, Y’shua Messiah, as the Head. The Body has been given an assignment to preach the Gospel of Christ Jesus to all the population of the world. The purpose? To prepare planet Earth to be an extension of heaven itself, to fulfill part of the Lord’s Prayer which says, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth, as it is in heaven.”

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Published by admin on 11 Apr 2019


So many people believe when they die they will go to heaven, that Jesus just threw open the gates to heaven and everyone, everywhere will be invited in. Sadly, the Bible doesn’t bear that out. In fact, Jesus said FEW would be saved. Now if the stakes are THAT high, then it would seem to me that we should be spending our time fervently seeking God. Well, the stakes indeed ARE that high, are YOU willing to pay the price of being His disciple?

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Published by admin on 15 Feb 2019


You know how I love to teach about healing, for it is part of our “benefits” package. But there’s something even more important than healing, and that is your soul. Healing is wonderful, but what good is a healed body if your soul is lost? Can you be healed even if you’re not saved? Sure you can, you see, that’s God’s “dinner bell”, how He says, “Come and get it!” And most unsaved people, once they’ve tasted the goodness of God, come running to Him to be saved. That’s why Psalm 103:2 says,”…and forget not all His benefits”. You can have them ALL…IF you follow Him.

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Published by admin on 11 May 2018


Certainly, all who name Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior want to become like Him. The problem seems to be “the process” we all go through as the heavenly Father molds and forms us into the very image of Christ. It is written in Philippians 2:13-15,
13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
14 Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.

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