Published by admin on 20 Dec 2019


I just finished twenty six days of intensive ministry by email to hundreds of people who saw me on Sid Roth, asking for prayer. The majority were asking for healing, or salvation for family members. Some were in financial straits, and some needed jobs. Some wanted to know what God wanted them to do. And some asked for things that even a non-believer would know God would not look favorably upon.

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Published by admin on 11 Jan 2019


More times than I can count, I’ve been told that no matter what, God is in charge. And that is true, “up to a point”. But you see, it’s like a person in a rented house; the landlord may own the home and all that, but by my firsthand experience, I’ve seen renters trash a home. Now tell me, was that the landlord’s will that his house was trashed? NO! So the landlord’s will obviously was not done.

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