Published by admin on 11 Jun 2020


It is written is Psalm 37:4, “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” When you read that verse a few times, it becomes apparent that when you delight yourself in something, it becomes your heart’s desire. Therefore, when you delight yourself in the LORD, He becomes the desire of your heart, and He shall give you Himself.

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Published by admin on 21 Dec 2018


Unless you’ve lived alone in a cave all your life, you’ve probably had opportunity to have your feelings hurt many times over. And one by one, these offences stick to you like scales on a fish, until you’re covered with them, and your heart says, “Nobody will ever hurt me again.” But that’s a lie, because offences come on a daily basis, and some people are “offence magnets”. They just seem to take everything and everyone wrong, until their “armor” is so thick, their heart can no longer be touched. And that’s not what God wants for us.

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Published by admin on 14 Jul 2017


There is a lot of discontent in the world today.  People are being downright obnoxious to each other, and even CHURCH people are not walking in love toward one another many times.  Now the Apostle Paul had somewhat to say about being content, in Philippians 4:11-13, Continue Reading »